
I'd Rather Be...

Instead of ending our week with a new standard design, I thought we would celebrate the holiday and end with a giveaway. I have a set of these adorable pins to giveaway to one lucky reader! Just tell me one nice thing that makes your husband, or soon-to-be-husband sweet but nerdy! For example, does he alphabitze his CDs, or wear black dress socks with his sandals?
Leave a comment about your guy by Thursday, July 10th midnight, and I will select one random winner. Lucky Designs will be closed tomorrow for the holiday. We will respond to emails and process our orders beginning again Monday the 7th in the order in which they were received. Happy 4th!


Anonymous said...

Last night when I asked my fiance to draw pictures on my back to help me fall asleep, he spelled out DNA (the long way) and then drew a caveman inventing fire when I couldn't guess DNA. My guy is a total nerd, but I haven't laughed that hard in a long time.

Kayu & Shannon said...

He is a huge computer geek...but I can't complain because it has helped a ton with the wedding planning.

Anonymous said...

He irons everything... including socks and underwear. It's a little strange, but uber nerdy.

Jessica said...

#1 - He lets me call him "Bunny" in public.
#2 - He's an analytical chemist - I think they give out pocket protectors at orientation.
#3 - Our song is by a group called the Metasciences and is about the great comic book romances.
The list goes on (and on). There's nothing better than nerdy love!

Emily said...

oh my goodness! those would be perfect for the future hubby and I!

April said...

seriously...too cute!!! I would love to win!

Lara said...

Those are SO funny and perfect! He reads Nuclear Medicine and I read a large stack of wedding magazines by my bed. He is obsessed with playing games on Facebook. I read crafty blogs. A favorite song of ours is "You've got the looks, I've got the brains" by the Pet Shop Boys. I think I have both, but he's so cute and funny that I'll let him have "the brains"! ; )

Jessica said...

We're both pretty nerdy, but he loves playing pen and paper RPGs. I never could get into them, but it's so cute to watch him play. :)

Aletha | Pearls Events said...

My husband loves to garden--and this is a newfound hobby. Did I mention we live in the city and our "garden" is the size of a postage stamp. He'll be at work all day and will come home and say "All I could think about all day long was the garden!"

It totally cracks me up.

Anonymous said...

My sweet husband does nerdy things sometimes too. He never used to like our cat, but got me one because he loves me and I wanted one...lol.

Well, now he's totally in love with our cat, he even tucks her in each night with a little blanket my grandma made for her...then he tucks me in next to her and wishes us both goodnight.

The hilarious thing is that the cat actually allows him to do this. If I tried, she'd attack me. But noooo...if it's her DADDY tucking her in, she's all over it! :) When he comes to bed, she then curls up next to his tummy under the covers. He's got both her and I hooked on his sweetness!

I do love this man!

Anonymous said...

My future hubby is SO sweet yet nerdy, that when he proposed, he gave me a NOTARIZED document saying that he loved me more than I loved him. He said it was official, legal and binding, and would hold up in court. I thought it was perfect. :)

Anonymous said...

My fiance is a little human calculator. He never ceases to amaze me with his uber fabulous math skills. He calculates everything in his head in lightning speed. It's one of the things I love so much about him.

Jaclyn said...

My hubby and I have been living 100 miles apart for the past 5 months while we wait for our house to sell. We see each other on weekends, but in the meantime, he decided to buy a web cam so he can see me everyday! It's motion sensitive, so when I get home, he can see me. I often blow kisses towards the camera so he knows I am thinking about him. I also make the poor cats do tricks in front of it to entertain him (or is that entertaining me?!)
As an IT engineer and me being a crafty marketing professional, we can both be quite nerdy together - which I love! When he gets home on Fridays after driving 100 miles to be with me, we usually curl up and watch Numb3rs together. Pretty nerdy! ;-)

Michelle@Memorable Events said...

My husband is a computer nerd, everything exists in spreadsheets...he even keeps lists of future gift ideas, broken down by receipiant, occasion and price range!! Gotta love him!!!

Anonymous said...

My husband is a nerd because...

For Halloween, he dressed our 7 month old daughter as Chewbacca from Star Wars!

I have pictures to prove it.

Casie said...

He collects and still reads, might I add, Comic books. It is so adorably nerdy. :)

Unknown said...

These are absolutely perfect for my fiance and me! He loves all things technology - especially computer related. If there's a new gadget he finds particularly interesting, there's no stopping until he knows all the specs, price ranges, who carries the product, and multiple reader reviews. I think he could live his life perfectly through gizmodo.com, tuaw.com, and endgadget.com. I don't read these sites myself, but I could probably tell you at least five news items found on the sites at any given point!

Jessica said...

My fiance is a very sweet computer nerd who is big into graphic design and user interfaces. It's helped a ton with our website and designing all of our paper goods! :) These would be perfect for us!

holly-lynn said...

last week we went out with friends to a bar in sea isle, nj. there was a live band & in the middle of all the dancing my fiance (who loooves to dance) broke out in the robot. no he's not a talented robot dancer & we all couldn't stop laughing & he thought he looked great. i still laugh as i'm writing this.

Anonymous said...

These comments are hilarious!

My husband is super nerdy and I *love* it! It's definitely one of the main reasons I fell in love with him. One night, he was going out with his brother and they were looking for bars on the internet that carried the beers they like. They couldn't find a website that served this purpose, so he created one: BeerMenus.com. I'm inspired by him every day. I also cannot wait for the day he loses his 20/20 vision, I love a nerdy guy who wears glasses!